Tuesday, August 10, 2004

So let's see if we can understand John Kerry's beliefs about the need to go to war in Iraq.

He now says that the presence of WMDs didn't matter in the first place, the war was valid.

"Yes, I would have voted for the authority. I believe it is the right authority for a president to have but I would have used that authority effectively."

I think this is Kerry-speak for saying he also would have gone to war in Iraq.

This is of course after he claimed that there was no need to go to Iraq at all.
This administration took its eye off of the real war on terror, which is in Afghanistan and northwest Pakistan, and transferred it for reasons of its own to Iraq"

And there was certainly no connection between Al-Qaeda and Iraq.

Democratic presidential hopeful Sen. John Kerry said, "the administration misled America."

"The administration reached too far," he told Detroit radio station WDET. "They did not tell the truth to Americans..."

He believes Bush sold the country on Al-Qaeda and WMDs which was misleading. And, if I remember correctly, the only offer that Bush could make to the international community for their joining hands on Iraq was the possible presence of terrorists and WMDs in Iraq.

So...how would John Kerry have convinced the UN and our "allies", the French and the Germans, to go along with his invasion of Iraq if he didn't think there were WMDs or a connection to al-Qaeda?

Reporting for duty, Monsieur Kerry!

And you say Kerry doesn't look French?

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