Monday, August 23, 2004

Maybe this has been the case for awhile, but ever since Michelle Malkin took a beating on Chris Matthews' Hardball, I've noticed that MSNBC has become increasingly partisan. (In case you missed it, Matthews tried to make Malkin say that Kerry shot himself on purpose when all she said was that one of his Vietnam wounds may have been self-inflicted.)

Take this headline from their website - Bush calls for halt to Swift Boat veterans’ ads. Actually there are two links to the same story. The second reads - Bush: Vets should halt anti-Kerry ads

That's not what he said at all! He said that ALL 527 ads should be taken off the air, whether from the right or the left. Just reading this headline on the top page leads you to believe that he wants the ads off the air because their false - why else would he only call for the removal of those specific ads. Indirectly, it also accuses him of limiting free speech which is exactly what the Democrats are up to.

This b.s. comes from the side of the aisle that praises Michael Moore up and down and invites him to their convention to sit with ex-President Carter. A man (Moore) who called Bush a deserter and a "fictitious President".

This is where I draw the line - you can debate the President's service or Kerry's service, but to claim that President Bush is directing the Swiftboat Veterans campaign and then calling on him to stop the ads as if he were running them himself is disgusting. Especially when you know the charges of collusion can't be proven before the election. And this from a party that set the media on a feeding frenzy to prove that Bush didn't complete his service as if HIS records of an honorable discharge were insufficient. There is so much hypocrisy here I want to throw up.

The scum of the Earth are just drooling at the chance of a Kerry win.

"The North Koreans made it very clear, politely, that they want Mr. Kerry to win the election," said Kenneth Quinones, a former U.S. diplomat who was in Pyongyang this month for a Korean studies conference.

SEOUL North Korea called President George W. Bush an imbecile and a tyrant who puts Hitler in the shade, unleashing a stream of insults Monday that seemed to rule out any serious progress on nuclear disarmament talks before the American elections in November.

Didn't former Vice-President Al Gore say something like that in a speech given at Columbia University?

"The Administration works closely with a network of "rapid response" digital Brown Shirts who work to pressure reporters and their editors for "undermining support for our troops."

And you know what - Kerry didn't serve honorably. He was still an officer in the service when he testified to Congress about the military's supposed official policy of committing war atrocities while tens (or hundreds) of thousands of soldiers were in harm's way. Reports of atrocities that were later proved false. A real hero might have said, "you know what, Purple Hearts and all I haven't been hurt bad - I'm going back in".

By the way, neither the President nor anyone in his administration is orchestrating this blog. Just becuase I donated to his campaign doesn't mean I'm connected to Bush any more than donating to UNICEF makes me connected to the UN Oil-For-Food program in Iraq.

Rant over.

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