Thursday, August 05, 2004

“Christ almighty, what is it with you people?" Yup.

You blamed us for something we failed to prevent after eight months in office, and yet to this day you give the Clinton admin a free pass, even though he had eight years—eight fucking years, people—to do something about al Qaeda and didn’t do one goddamned thing....

“You piss and moan about everything we’ve done to deal with the threat—and when you’re not complaining about how little we’re doing about it, you’re complaining that we’re either doing too much, doing the wrong things, or even worse, you try to claim that there isn’t a threat in the first place....

“You still insist that a Democrat, any Democrat, would do a better job of defending the country than we have, but in the meantime there have been no—repeat, no, zip, zero, nada—successful attacks on US soil since 9/11...

We free 50 million—that’s 50 with six zeros behind it for you economics-beat reporters—oppressed Muslims and you guys don’t notice anything but a handful of prisoners with panties on their heads...

Hell, you won’t even show footage of 9/11 anymore because Americans might actually remember it and wonder who the hell’s side you’re on in the first place. Shit, you people don’t even have the stones to show videos of Islamist whackjob imams calling for our destruction at wholesale rates in mosques all over the world. But if Falwell offered Muslims the choice between conversion or violent death you’d be all over it with both feet—and you’d blame Bush for the fact that Falwell was nuts....

You talk about how vital it is to have France’s support in the WoT when France said in no uncertain terms that they would never, ever support enforcing the UN’s own resolutions against Saddam. You talk about our “unilateralism” when we went to Iraq with the support of nearly 40 countries, and you lament the “rush to war” when we spent more than a year at the UN begging for them to make themselves useful for once....

“You bitch about how awful corporate corruption is, and can’t be bothered with reporting on a UN oil-for-bribes scandal that makes the gang at Enron look like a bunch of half-assed pikers, like kids toilet-papering a suburban lawn on Halloween. You talk about how the Bush admin calls its opponents “unAmerican”—not bothering at all with the fact that we’ve never actually done it—but when your choice for future first lady does precisely that, you get pissed off because an actual journalist has the audacity to ask her for a clarification....

“No more questions. Shove it.”

Yup again. I know not every Kerry supporter toes the party line across the board, but this is what we see from the people providing the most vocal support to Kerry -, Michael Moore and yes...Bruce Springsteen.

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