Saturday, August 07, 2004

After seeing the following article on the brother-in-law's site, I wanted to at least try to debunk it in some small part. Because if I can't, I have to accept that Bush is evil.

They Knew...
Despite the whitewash, we now know that the Bush administration was warned before the war that its Iraq claims were weak.


As the 9/11 Commission recently reported, there was “no credible evidence” of a collaborative relationship between Iraq and al Qaeda.

This is incorrect and is a common fallacy reported by left-wing sites. The commission reported that there were no links between Iraq and the 9/11 attack specifically, not that there was no relationship whatsoever.

"Were there contacts between al Qaeda and Iraq? Yes," Thomas H. Kean (R), the panel's chairman, said at a news conference.


"Similarly, no weapons of mass destruction have been found in Iraq."

Another misstatement - not enough weapons of mass destruction were found. No is a definite term meaning zero, none, not any...

An artillery shell used in a roadside bomb in Baghdad did contain the nerve agent sarin as originally thought, U.S. officials confirmed Tuesday.

Officials in Washington said another shell -- this one containing mustard gas -- has also been found in Iraq.

For me logic would have it that where there were two there should be more, not that where there aren't a thousand, there are none.


In March 2003, Cheney went on national television days before the war and claimed Iraq “has reconstituted nuclear weapons.”

He absolutely did. And a few minutes later he said, "it’s only a matter of time until he acquires nuclear weapons."

If anything, this is confusing. I'm not sure what a "reconstituted nuclear weapon" is, but it would be more fair to say that Cheney gave a mixed, or confusing message.

If you believe that most Americans believe Iraq had nuclear weapons because of Bush administration statements, you have to assume they were selectively ignoring the parts where they said there was a only a threat that he would attain them. I'm pretty confident that compared to the handful of slip-ups by Cheney, Rice and Powell claiming that Saddam had WMDS, there is an avalanche of claims that he was simply a threat.


I could spend hours at this. I'm not convinced that Bush didn't think that Saddam was a potential threat. And I think the world is safer without him. Thinking selfishly, my own world is a better place now that he is not in charge and the sacrifice of American lives in the war will be more easily defendable than our actions in Vietnam, the Philippines and a host of other places.

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