Tuesday, August 31, 2004

A simple point made by a member of Protest Warriors regarding the symbolic carrying of coffins during the huge anti-Bush rally a few days ago.

The leftist group 1000 coffins, brought up the tail end of the protest....The coffins symbolized the soldiers who died in Iraq. For some reason, they were not carrying coffins to symbolize all the people who died on 9/11 in WTC, nor do they carry coffins to symbolize the hundreds of thousands who were killed by the Hussein regime. But then again, they probably don't have enough members to carry that many coffins.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ah, but Bush didn't gain American's trust by telling them that going into Iraq would stop Hussein from killing his own people. He did it by having his administration lie to us about the presence and immediate danger of WMD's. He lied to us himself. If he had announced that he was going into Iraq because it was the right thing to do, to free the Iraqi people from oppression, rather than tacking it on as an afterthought when he couldn't find or prove the existence of the very weapons he used to justify his war, perhaps the poster would be justified in asking this question. Otherwise, no.

The reason, of which this poster is no doubt aware, that the lives of American soldiers who are dying in a politically motivated war in Iraq are being highlighted by the protestors, is that the media has been bullied by the Pentagon and the White House into neither reporting the names of the dead nor to acknowledge and honor their service to this country by showing their bodies being returned to American soil. Are their deaths an embarassment to this administration? Apparently, otherwise, why hide them? This administration wants Americans to fight and die for their cause, yet refuses to honor their sacrifice by acknowledging them when they fall in battle. That is completely reprehensible. That's what the coffins represent. That's what it means when the left says they oppose the war and support our troops. That's what the multitude of signs that say "bring them home" meant during the protest march on Sunday. Americans who die fighting for their country should never, ever be hidden away and ignored by their government. They deserve to be honored. And it's a crying shame that the administration has not yet learned from the mistakes made during the Vietnam War.
