Wednesday, August 11, 2004

If you're Jewish and you plan on voting for Kerry, all I ask is you take a deep breath and pray before you pull the lever that gives Jimmy Carter and Michael Moore a seat of honor in the Oval Office. Oh, how I wish that we only had Monica to be concerned about!

The most common refrain heard throughout the convention was that America needed to restore its respect and popularity in the world.

What better way to do that than by ending its solid support for Israel?

And if Kerry doesn't withdraw support for Israel, we'll just be back to the pre-9/11 situation, just waiting for the next attack. They will always hate us.

So here's your choice - back Israel, kill Islamists, more soldiers die, change comes. Or, back Israel, stop killing Islamists, build up defenses, pray we avoid attack. Or deny support to Israel, stop killing Islamists and live in peace while others die instead.


Anonymous said...

Must admit I'm surprised you deleted my comment rather than respond to it.


Anonymous said...

Howard said...

Apologies to Jon for deleting this original post- I realized I had double posted but didn't know there were comments attached.....

Do either you or the author have a shred of evidence to support the idea that a Kerry/Edwards presidency would end support for Israel? For instance, anti-Israel or antisemitic quotes from speeches Kerry or Edwards have made, votes against funding for Israel , or... well, anything other than vague, paranoid, far-reaching and unsupported conspiracy theories??

You know, I do indeed have a great deal of respect for you as a person, and I seriously enjoy reading your blog. You usually give me a perspective into things I hadn't considered. That provides me with valuable insight. Plus, you're truly brilliant. :)

But dude, this post and that essay resemble Ann Coulter's unresearched, unsupported, impossibly biased ravings at their worst. Wouldn't it more effective to attack Kerry on his actual record and actions than give in to unprovable theorizing?

Of course, I do understand your consternation. There are so many problems with Bush's record and actions areas that it's no wonder his supporters wish they had real issues to attack Kerry on. :-)