Tuesday, August 24, 2004

More proof that John Kerry is a hypocrite of Olympic proportions.

John Kerry wants to deny the right of the SwiftBoat veterans to ask him questions about his service record. That's right - deny. Threatening TV stations to pull their ads, suing to stop them because they are supposedly linked to the Bush campaign, etc. That is censorship, not simply disagreement.

Thanks to Drudge, we now have a reminder that the Kerry campaign ran it's own SwiftBoat style campaign against President Bush in an official press release.

Key Unanswered Questions: Bush's Record In The National Guard

I'll give Kerry credit if he has the balls to keep this press release up on his website.

Whatever you believe about duplicitous tactics, it is a fact that President Bush has called John Kerry's service noble and courageous and has never personally questioned it, as John Kerry has of Bush's service.

Also, even if you thought the SwiftBoat campaign was somehow illegal - what gives the Kerry camp the right to complain about attacks on his record generally when he has personally questioned Bush's honor and integrity? Aren't Bush's honorable discharge papers as valid as Kerry's medal citations?

This is not about whether someone served or didn't, or whether they told the truth about that service or not. This is about the ultimate hypocrisy being foisted on the American people by the Kerry campaign and supported by the Democratic National Committee as a whole.

UPDATE: Just to underline the hypocrisy, here comes a fresh steaming pile - Kerry Condemns Ad Attacking Bush Service.

"Those of us who were in the military wonder how it is that someone who is supposedly serving on active duty...can miss a whole year of service without even explaining where it went," said [Senator John] Kerry.

Kerry Pans Bush's Guard Service - "The issue here is, as I have heard it raised, is was he present and active in Alabama at the time he was supposed to be," said Kerry, a decorated Vietnam War veteran. "I don't have the answer to that question and just because you get an honorable discharge does not in fact answer that question."

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