Sunday, August 08, 2004

John Kerry's stance on Iraq is very disturbing. From Redstate:

Digging through Kerry's rhetoric takes time and a strong stomach, but I caught the gist of the " he's going withdraw anyway" because he already has his excuse readied

KERRY (from an NPR interview): Ah, no, not necessarily at all, because I think our diplomacy can produce a very different ingredient on the ground. And if it can't produce a different ingredient on the ground, lemme tell you something, that says something about what Iraqis want, and what the people in the region want.

IMO, this is just a variation on the theme we've heard ad nauseam from the usual suspects "if Iraqis really wanted Saddam gone, they would have gotten rid of him themselves." Kerry's rationale is going to be, if insurgents are still bombing, murdering, terrorizing etc then it's because that what the Iraqis really want.

So if the French don't play along, and the "insurgents" continue the fight (egged on by the hope of Kerry's election and the possibility of withdrawal) it tells us what the Iraqis want, which by extension is what John Kerry wants. What if a poll of Iraqis showed hope for the future of democracy and a desire to defeat the insurgents? Will Kerry come out and say "Let's kill them all, it's what the Iraqis want"? The reporting below is from the poll linked to above:

On a personal level, seven in 10 Iraqis say things overall are going well for them — a result that might surprise outsiders imagining the worst of life in Iraq today. Fifty-six percent say their lives are better now than before the war, compared with 19 percent who say things are worse (23 percent, the same). And the level of personal optimism is extraordinary: Seventy-one percent expect their lives to improve over the next year.

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