Tuesday, August 31, 2004

Hooray! The NY Times prints a piece on one of the benefits of the new Iraq, brought to you by George W. Bush.

Long Stifled, Iraqis Make Most of Chance to Vent on Talk Radio

Of course, based on the article you would imagine that people have a lot of complaints about the current situation...

Most calls are about the nuts and bolts of life. Many public services have not recovered since the American occupation began more than a year ago. Daily power failures persist. Piles of trash are heaped on city streets. In poorer areas, leaky sewage pipes taint water supplies.

However, I think the bigger story is reported somewhat lower down...

One such program was broadcast June 30, the day before Mr. Hussein first appeared in court. The program director and host, Majid Salim, asked listeners what they wanted to see happen to him. The answer was something of a surprise for Mr. Salim.

"Most people wanted him executed," Mr. Salim said.

Another time, he asked listeners what they thought about the insurgency that has roiled Iraq, claiming most of the energies of the new interim government of Prime Minister Ayad Allawi and putting the American occupation in danger of failure.

"We asked them, is it terrorism or is it resistance," he said. "A very large proportion, almost 100 percent, said terrorism. They did not like it."

This article is further proof that those in our liberal media who call the "insurgents" anything other "terrorists" is pushing their own agenda based on the assumption that we are imperialist agressors who have done nothing positive for the Iraqi people.

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