Monday, August 30, 2004

The "Bush Lied" crowd and their leaders (Kerry/Edwards) have gotten so mixed up that if Bush says it's going to rain and then the sun comes out they'd be upset. How do I know? Here is John Edwards speaking about Iraq:

"After months of saying he'd done everything right on Iraq and foreign policy, the president acknowledged just the other day that he miscalculated the way in which he waged the war in Iraq. He believes that he may have won the war too quickly and that was a miscalculation," Edwards added.

So he thinks it would have better had the war been prolonged? I guess it's possible in their mind since the things they complain about most (e.g., looting of museums and prison abuses) happened after the war against Iraqi forces was over.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

-- By a 3-to-1 margin, people think the war in Iraq increased rather than decreased the threat of terrorism.

-- Six in 10 say Bush does not have a clear plan for bringing the Iraq war to a successful resolution.

-- A total of 969 U.S. troops have died in Iraq, including 831 since Bush stood before a "Mission Accomplished" sign and declared an end to major combat on May 1, 2003.

Perhaps Edwards misspoke. It would be more accurate to say that Bush declared victory too soon.