Friday, August 06, 2004

Nope, no terrorists in Iraq, keep on moving...nothing to see here...

Iraq Evidence Led Feds to Albany Mosque

Information found in Iraq led federal investigators to become suspicious of an Albany, N.Y., mosque leader, FOX News has learned.

Last summer, U.S. troops discovered Yassin Muhhiddin Aref's (search) name, telephone number and address in a book left behind in a vacated terrorist training camp, a U.S. official told FOX News. The book also revealed that Ansar al-Islam, the group running the camp, had given Aref a title: "the commander."

And I'm not saying they had anything to do with 9/11. If the War on Iraq helps keep these guys off balance, that makes it worth it to me. We would have been ignorant to focus on Al-Qaeda only when others are willing to step up to the plate when our backs are turned.


Anonymous said...

FoxNews reports are generally nothing more than GOP propaganda.

I'm just saying that if you're trying to make a case, they're not exactly a trustworthy source. :)


Howard said...

How about the Associated Press?

N.Y. Imam's Name Appeared in Iraq Papers

Anonymous said...

Fascists! All of 'em!
