Wednesday, June 23, 2004

There is definitely a difference between the arguments of the "Bush lied" crowd and the "Clinton lied" crowd. Bush's "lies" need to be surmised based on other people's actions supposedly contradicting Bush's words, or facts that seem not to justify Bush's declarations, many of which are still in dispute.

Clinton on the other hand (like his potential succesor John Kerry) seems to contradict himself so many times that it's almost impossible to know where the truth begins and ends.

I'd almost rather deal with someone I know who's lying than with someone who I just can't figure out at all.

Case in point, a discovery made by the Washington Post regarding Clinton's new autobiography.

Clinton's own legal battle with independent counsel Kenneth W. Starr accounts for one of the book's more peculiar revelations. In his August 1998 grand jury testimony, Clinton said he began an inappropriate sexual relationship with Monica S. Lewinsky in "early 1996." His testimony, as was widely noted at the time, was in conflict with Lewinsky's story: She testified the relationship began on Nov. 15, 1995, in the midst of a government shutdown.

Starr's prosecutors, in their report to Congress, accused Clinton of lying about the date of their relationship in order to avoid admitting that he had sexual relations with an intern, as Lewinsky still was in the fall of 1995 before being hired for a paying job in the winter.

Without explanation, in his memoir Clinton departs from his grand jury testimony and corroborates her version: "During the government shutdown in late 1995, when very few people were allowed to come to work in the White House, and those who were there were working late, I'd had an inappropriate encounter with Monica Lewinsky and would do so again on other occasions between November and April, when she left the White House for the Pentagon."

Clinton aides yesterday said they could not explain the discrepancy, and his attorney, David Kendall, was traveling and did not return a call.

I am waiting for the one "big lie" to be attached to George Bush directly. Something like:

"I am not a crook"
"Read my lips, no new taxes"
"I did not have sexual relations with that woman...Ms. Lewinsky"

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