Friday, June 25, 2004

Let's see, if I was a Muslim and wanted to randomly kill someone of the religion most responsible for the deaths of millions of my fellow Muslims, I might kill....a Muslim. But instead, some of the world's 1 billion or so Muslims think that their troubles will end if they attack or kill one of the 15 million or so Jewish people...thousands of miles from any existing conflict.

Boy stabbed in anti-Semitic attack in Belgium

BRUSSELS - Jewish organizations and the mayor of the Belgian port city of Antwerp held an emergency meeting on Friday after four students from a Jewish school in an Antwerp suburb were attacked.

A spokesman for the Forum of Jewish Organizations said one 16-year old boy was stabbed in the back during an attack late on Thursday by about 15 youngsters of Arab origin which the Forum believed was motivated by anti-Semitism.

"He was stabbed in the back, one of his lungs was punctured and he lost a lot of blood," the spokesman said, adding that the boy's life was no longer in danger.

One other thing I was thinking about as more Jewish religious school students are attacked in Europe. Do you ever wonder why it is that Jewish religious school students are stereotyped as being physically weak and nebbishy, while Muslim religious school students are stereotyped as Jihadists? Fair or unfair?

I imagine that yeshivas graduate their fair share of anti-Arab and anti-"goyim" types, but I never hear about them going around attacking and killing people for fun.

Then there's the run off the mill anti-Semistism when live Jews aren't around for bait.

Jewish cemetery vandalized in Germany

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