Monday, June 21, 2004

The liberal left is acting like a police officer would at the scene of an accident - "nothing to look at here people, just keep moving...."

9/11 panel: New evidence on Iraq-Al-Qaida

The commission investigating the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks has received new information indicating that a senior officer in an elite unit of the security services of deposed Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein may have been a member of al-Qaida involved in the planning of the suicide hijackings, panel members said Sunday.

John F. Lehman, a Reagan-era GOP defense official told NBC's "Meet the Press" that documents captured in Iraq "indicate that there is at least one officer of Saddam's Fedayeen, a lieutenant colonel, who was a very prominent member of al Qaida."

The Fedayeen were a special unit of volunteers given basic training in irregular warfare. The lieutenant colonel, Ahmed Hikmat Shakir, has the same name as an Iraqi thought to have attended a planning meeting for the Sept. 11 attacks in January 2000, in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The meeting was also attended by two of the hijackers, Khalid al Midhar and Nawaf al Hamzi and senior al-Qaida leaders.

Considering the play that the "Bush lied" argument got on Page One the other day based on preliminary 9/11 Commission drafts, I'm surprised to see that neither the NY Times, Washington Post or CNN have this up on their websites.

Well, not really.

Actually, William Safire takes the Commission to task more succinctly and accurately than I ever could:

The Zelikow Report

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