Tuesday, June 22, 2004

Survey: Most Jewish Israelis support transfer of Arabs

Most of the Jewish public in Israel supports expelling Arabs, according to a survey of the public's views on political extremism conducted by Haifa University's Center for the Study of National Security.

The survey indicates that 63.7 percent of the Jewish respondents said the government should encourage Israeli Arabs to emigrate. Almost half of the Jewish respondents - 48.6 percent - said the treatment that Arabs in Israel receive from the government is too sympathetic.

More than half - 55.3 percent - think Israeli Arabs endanger the state's security and 45.3 percent support depriving Israeli Arabs of the right to vote and to be elected. About one-quarter of the Jewish respondents said they would consider voting for a party like the outlawed Kach, if such a party were contending in the next elections.

I never would have imagined this - I am taking this with a grain of salt. That being said, I would not feel particualrly sorry for any Arab family that recieved a just compensation for their homes/land. After all, that's in theory what the Zionists were doing pre-1948. There's also no reason why Arab lands should be allowed to be Judenrein either.

The survey indicates a worrying increase in the extremism of the respondents' attitudes.

Can an attitude still be labeled "extremist" if it is displayed by the majority?

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