Friday, May 07, 2004

Is it really possible that every Iraqi-American hates us as much as these people do? Don't let the headline fool you into thinking there's anything but the harshest criticism of non-Arab Americans.

Iraqi-Americans, Split on Prospects, See Little Progress

"The only way this feeling is going to be calmed is when I see Bush, Cheney and Wolfowitz naked with bags on their heads," she said. "You might think this is really harsh, but they deserve it. To treat the Iraqi people as totally subhuman, that's not right....

...the Americans would have been well received if they had provided water, power and fuel instead of bullets and tank shells....

...the United States had failed to promote representational government in Iraq..

..."One year passed, and there's no concrete development on the ground," he said. "People are not that patient. They expected immediate relief."...

...Ms. al-Wardi, president of the Los Angeles chapter of the American Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee, said the mistreatment of prisoners in Iraq reflected the same hostility to Arabs and Muslims that Americans of Arab descent have felt since the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.

"This is exactly how we felt when we were being detained and strip-searched and called terrorists," she said. "It's so rampant right now, the feeling that all Arabs are terrorists and so it's justified to torture and humiliate them."

Where do these people get their news from? Have we not poured billions into reconstruction, not just to restore Iraq to Saddam levels, but better it? Have we not helped form town and regional councils all over the country? Is torture and humilitation of Arab-Americans rampant in this country? As Steve Martin used to say....well, excuuuuuuuuse us for not waving our magic f***ing wand and creating a Garden of Eden by the Euphrates.

Besides these poeple are just plain wrong. It's a valid opinion that Bush screwed up but not if it's based on unrealistic expectations, and thinking that we're just over there killing and torturing Arabs for fun until we can fill up enough oil tankers to supply Theresa Heinz Kerry's 3 SUVs. Oops did I just do that :-)

Remember the original estimates before the war - tens of thousands dead, hundreds of thousands or millions of refugees, a humanitarian crisis waiting to happen? We avoided all that...not good enough?

I choose to believe that which I hear from the soldiers returning after a year in Iraq. The Iraqis are generally friendly, they know that life sucks but it's been worse, and I know that a free Iraq will complement a free Afghanistan and free Iran one day and the world will be a safer place for my children. And I believed the same for Russia and Eastern Europe when Reagan was planting nuclear missiles like petunias all over Europe and millions took to the streets against that.

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