Monday, May 17, 2004

I am hoping that further investigation turns this into an "I told you so" discovery.

Sarin Detected in Roadside Bomb in Iraq

Two former weapons inspectors, Hans Blix and David Kay, said the shell was probably a stray weapon that had been scavenged by insurgents and did not necessarily mean that Iraq has large stockpiles of chemical arms, the Associated Press reported.

"It is hard to know if this is one that just was overlooked . . . or if this was one that came from a hidden stockpile," Kay said. "I rather doubt that because it appears the insurgents didn't even know they had a chemical round." The AP quoted Kay as adding that while the discovery of the sarin shows that Hussein did not fully comply with U.N. resolutions, "it doesn't strike me as a big deal."

In other words, we knew he didn't comply and that he had WMDs. I would find it hard to believe that Saddam had just one of these produced for fun, or that just one happened to be found in the street somewhere by an insurgent.

I haven't read any descriptions of what might have happened had the bomb gone off as planned, or if it would have been given to a terrorist organization to detonate in a subway.

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