Tuesday, May 25, 2004

Add this to a growing number of incidents in Canada where pro-Israel Jewsih speakers are heckled and prevented from speaking peacefully.

Author heckled during speaking engagement at Chapters

The unlikely series of events began last week as Rotberg, a lawyer and author of a pro-Israel novel, The Second Catastrophe, was addressing a small group at an in-store lecture. About 20 minutes into his address, two men who later identified themselves as a Palestinian and a Iraqi Kurd appeared and began to heckle him. They were asked to sit down and keep their comments for a question period at the end of the talk, but soon the lecture disintegrated as the hecklers disrupted the author’s talk with claims his book labels all Muslims as terrorists.

Rotberg denies his book does so, saying it was the hecklers who introduced the idea to the afternoon event.

“They wouldn’t let me speak,” Rotberg said. When one member of the audience told the heckler to let the author continue, the Iraqi heckler said, “He’s a fucking Jew.”

At that point, Rotberg raised his voice, and “I yelled back and said you can’t call me a fucking Jew. The manager said, ‘You can’t swear in a family store,’ and escorted me to a back room.”

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