Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Via Gawker, a fascinating "panorama" map of NYC from the 1939 Worlds Fair which shows the neighborhood between Delancey and Houston as "Ghetto".

Oprah can't pump gas - hasn't done it "since 1983". Video here. Go ahead ladies - keep buying her magazine so that maybe one day she'll pick you out of the audience and give you a job to pump her gas for her as I sign that she really knows what it feels like to be you.

Jewish German man escapes the Holocaust, comes to the U.S., and later marries a fellow German escapee. He died several years ago and was buried in the local Jewish cemetary. His widow has recently changed her plans to be buried next to him. Turns out she's an ex-Nazi concentration camp guard and has been deported.

Turns out Virginia Senator George Allen (R) does have a Jewish "background" although he's still not Jewish. So why did it matter in the first place? Is Judaism a religion, or is it in the blood? Discuss.

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