Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Just picking through Daily Kos for fun. I have to say that I agree with this analysis on Pakistan. I have no idea what the hell is going on over there, but I'm hoping we have some sort of secret plan to give the Taliban and al-Qaeda a safe haven so that we can then get them all in one place and get them all at once.

I also found a link from someone else's LJ to an article in the Washington Post which states, '"The Bush administration's faith-based initiative is reaching only a tiny percentage of the nation's black churches".
Of course, there is no comparison as to what percentage of "non-black" churches apply and recieve grants, but that would have shed more light on the topic. The funny thing is that the main body of the article actually focuses on other findings related to the program that might come as a shock to the liberal person who posted it (which is why I'm not linking to them directly) - I don't weant them to feel I'm using their link to point out something that contradicts their point of view.

Black churches in the Northeast and those with self-identified progressive congregations and liberal theologies were most likely to be taking part in the program, a finding that surprised the researchers, who concluded that the White House has not used the program as a political tool as some critics have suspected.

Despite instances of grants going to political and ideological supporters of President Bush, the survey found that, overall, liberal-leaning churches were more likely to apply for and receive the grants, even though they tend to view the program more skeptically than their conservative counterparts do.

Let's Go Mets!

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