Friday, September 22, 2006

On NPR, former President Bill Clinton said that we should follow what I'll call the "Dershowitz doctrine" regarding torture - if you're certain that someone has information about an imminent attack against the U.S. you should be able to "beat it out of somebody or put a drug in their body to talk it out of them" on a case by case basis with a court approval. He also suggests that he can't imagine anyone in the world would be for jailing the interrogators.

I always knew he was an OK guy, but I'm beginning to doubt if he actually attended the last Democrat National Convention. I'd love to get him back in office, because I think he really wants to give someone an ass-kicking to make up for any criticism against his administration for not doing enough against terrorism. Bill, I feel your pain. C'mon, let's all give the man another chance.

I had been thinking for awhile about putting up daily examples of how Democrats/Liberals are becoming more anti-Israel and or anti-Semitic. This was way before George Allen was called out as a secret Jew the other day putting him in a "how often to do beat your wife" moment.

I really don't have to do this however, as long as others are willing to do the legwork for me. Ed Lasky at The American Thinker has a very long piece detailing the increasing hostility of the Left in general and Democrats in particular towards Jewish interests. I know a lot of Jews aren't single issue voters with regards to Israel, and perhaps they can't stand Republicans and their positions on, well, everything else. It's almost a stereotype that the Jewish liberal would rather save someone else before saving themselves (see the ACLU defending neo-Nazi rights, etc.) There's a famous saying that I have revamped for today's times for my Democrat friends:

First they became political allies with anti-Semites, but I did not care because they weren't so many
Then they ran the Jewish candidates out of office, but I did not care because non-Jews also support what I care out
Then they supported the Arab terorrists against Israel, but I was not Israeli
Then they told me they don't really want or need me in their party and I became disenfranchised and lost my voice

I could probably have done better, but I have to get back to work.

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