Thursday, March 10, 2005

The Palestinians have not only done themselves a political disservice since the bginning of the most recent intifada, they've given the IDF all the reason it needs to keep experimenting with new technology to improve it's military. While Islamic Jihad is still using the same technology as they were four years ago (bombs strapped to mentally anguished human beings), Israel is developing armored vehicles that can shoot down incoming projectiles and guns that be fired while soldiers remain protected inside their vehicles.

According to RAFAEL, the system works against all types of guided anti-tank missiles and rockets, including the ubiquitous rocket propelled grenades. The company said the system includes four flat-panel antennas and a search radar that are mounted on the armored vehicle.

They can detect incoming projectiles from 360 degrees and calculate their approach. Its computer then determines the exact moment and angle to fire its neutralizers (small metal pellets like a shotgun blast).

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