Saturday, March 19, 2005

I missed this lead editorial in the NY times yesterday - I guess they wanted to jump the gun on everyone else - Two Years Later

The invasion of Iraq, which began two years ago this weekend, was a world-changing event. We can see many of the consequences already. The good ones, so far, exist mainly as hopes and are fewer than the bad ones, some of which are all too concrete.

This statement can only be made by totally ignoring the tyranny of the Hussein regime - the tortures, rapes, environmental devastation, starvation of children, etc.

If the Bush administration is "shockingly callous about the tens of thousands of Iraqi victims, whom ordinary Americans cannot count let alone name", the Times is disgustingly oblivious to the suffering and death that Iraqis would have suffered under a typical two years of Saddam, his sons and their henchmen.

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