Tuesday, March 15, 2005

A brief video tour of the New Museum at Yad Vashem can be found here.

The two most sobering sights to me were the "chimney" that looks up to a skylight covered with the photogrpahs of the victims, and the final view of the Jerusalem hills out one of the windows. As Ariel Sharon said at the dedication:

"When you leave this museum, you see the sky of Jerusalem. I know how a Jew feels when he emerges from these depths and breathes the air of Jerusalem. He feels at home...."

And Elie Wiesel, who always knows how to get right to the heart of the matter:

``It was man's inhumanity to man -- no. It was man's inhumanity to Jews. Jews were not killed because they were human beings. In the eyes of the killers, they were not human beings, they were Jews,'' he said.

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