Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Boy I don't remember the last time I went without posting for four days, but I've been working ridiculous hours and flying back and forth between Dallas and NY so many times I can't count.

I finally signed up for American Airlines' Admiral Club which will probably cost me about $5 per airport visit which really isn't a bad deal given the free drinks and cookies. In Dallas, they even have a separate kiddie room wit a couple of PCs. You can't beat that with a stick.

Anyway, with everything in the media on the Terri Schiavo case, there's nothing much new I can add, but I thought I'd try.

I understand that when someone is alive, yet incapacitated, someone has to make the decisions for that person, whether it be a spouse, the family, etc. That being said, I don't understand why anyone would be put to death when there was someone, anyone, willing to care for that person. Even if Terri Schiavo's parents and other immediate family thought she should die, what if some person or group of persons donated to pay for her hospice stay and treatment? I think that I might like to have a living will option where my family wouldn't have to shoulder the financial burden of keeping me alive if a trustworthy organization was willing to do it.

Also, if they're going to kill her, why don't they do it in some humane way instead of starving her to death? How cruel is that for everyone involved? And what kind of person is Terri Schiavo's husband living with? If politicians are afraid to even speak about supporting this guy - which would in theory be simply stating support for our judicial system - who is this woman who wants to be his lawfully wedded wife?

I just don't understand this whole thing.

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