Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Not much posting here for the last several days, but I've been studying for the NASD Series 7 Exam which is taking up most of my time. It's a 6 hour, 250 multiple choice question test which I'll be taking this coming Tuesday. Wish me luck!

Yesterday was sort of an unofficial Jewish holiday, especially among the Orthodox. It marked the end of a 7 1/2 year cycle of Daf Yomi - a program started in 1923 with the idea that one should study one two-sided page of Talmud every day until finishing the entire thing. Every cycle, more and more Jews are participating in this informal program and last night tens of thousands gathered at places like Madison Square Garden.

With Mortimer B. Zuckerman at the helm as International Chairman, event participants and supporters include Natan Sharansky, Dr. Elie Wiesel, Senator Joseph and Hadassah Lieberman, international performer Dudu Fisher, CBS correspondent Dan Raviv, actor Josh Malina, musician Peter Himmelman and other Jewish personalities who are promoting the effort to reclaim our standing as the People of the Book through a united focus on Jewish exploration and study.

Here are some more resources should you be interested in the new cycle of Daf Yomi which begins today.

I think the coolest thing I've come across is that you can buy iPods already downloaded with shiurim (lessons) for the entire Daf Yomi cycle.
A Daf A Day blog
Kollel Daf Hayomi
Daf Yomi Advancement Forum

And of course before you start, you will need a copy of the Talmud. I got mine here. (OK, so I didn't buy the whole set - I bought the first book in the smaller sized edition.)

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