Tuesday, March 29, 2005

I´ve been in Argentina since Saturday morning visiting the in-laws. As is typical for this time of year, the weather is beautiful (outside of the occasional fall thunderstorm) as the heat of summer gives way to the cool air of fall.

I don´t get out in the streets enough, and I don´t wear a yarmulke, so perhaps I can´t confirm whether this is true or not - Report Finds anti-Semitism Increased Since 1994 Buenos Aires Attack

The report, issued by the Institute of the World Jewish Congress, is titled, "Justice and the AMIA Attack: The Selective or the Collective in Argentina - Who Is At Fault?" Recent anti-Semitic incidents have ranged from vandalized Jewish property and cemeteries to police discrimination and verbal threats. Although politicians such as President Kirchner, who signed the WJC petition to the UN against anti-Semitism, have been sympathetic to Jewish concerns, investigations into various incidents have made little progress to date.

Argentines have long ago given up the idea that anyone will be prosecuted for the AMIA bombing, but I don´t know that anti-Semitism is on the increase here. I imagine that there´s the typical increase in anti-Israel sentiment that´s occurred globally over the last few years, but I don´t think there´s been a increased sense of danger in the community.

Friday afternoon the Multiwife and I are going to our nephew´s school - Instituto Bet-El for the unveiling of a plaque in our parent´s honor/memory. We are helping them to build a new library-classroom for the school. We´ve never made a donation like this before so we don´t know quite what to expect. I hope they don´t expect me to make a speech in Spanish....

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