Saturday, March 19, 2005

CBS, although generally positive in their look back on the Iraq war, resorts to pure, unadulterated lying in their reporting.

At the same time, there's been no let-up in the violent, anti-American insurgency that continues to wreak havoc throughout much of the country – and no slowdown in the death toll that now numbers at least 1,515 Americans killed in Iraq since the war's start, according to an Associated Press count.

As always, I will refer to the actual statistics on average daily military fatalities at Lunaville.

November 2004 - 4.7
December 2004 - 2.48
January 2005 - 4.1
February 2005 - 2.14
March 2005 - 1.37

Our military is suffering a lower casualty rate than at any time since February 2004.

"No slowdown"?!?

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