Thursday, March 10, 2005

Just something interesting I heard on the radio this morning. I was listening to Bill Bennett's morning program which I think is a great example of serious talk radio (as opposed to Sean Hannity and Michael Savage which are issues oriented programs but mostly geared towards stirring people up as opposed to educating.)

He made an analogy that went something along these lines. Are those on the Left that say they "Support the Troops" even though they are opposed to what they are doing any different than if a German citizen during World War II said they proudly supported the Wehrmacht and SS even though they disagreed with Hitler? According to every major poll, most of our soldiers support President Bush, don't they?

Wanting no harm to come to our fellow citizens fighting overseas is certainly a sincere desire on all sides. But can one really support the troops (in general) despite the fact that they believe what they are doing is right and you believe it is wrong?

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