Sunday, December 05, 2004

There's nothing more perplexing to me than a Jew who is ignorant of Jewish history and then professes that ignorance in public.

In Sydney Australia's largest newspaper, a "political professor" makes the following statement under an article headlined, "When Jewish loyalty meets the brutality of Israel".

The explanation must begin with the fact that I am not now nor have ever been a Zionist. Zionists believe that because of the inevitability of anti-Semitism, for Jews to become safe they need a national home. This seems to me simply wrong. Since the end of the World War II, the place of Jews in all Western societies has been unproblematic.

Let's put aside the fact that anti-Semitism exists in some form or another in almost every country and I would like to think the Jews can live somewhere where they are the majority.

The fact that the author only mentions "Western societies" neglects the expulsion of almost every Jew from Arab-majority countries in the Middle East. He also seems to forget the entire struggle of Soviet Jewry and the million or so people that had to escape a regime that punished the practice of Judaism with prison or death.

Finally, perhaps the "professor" needs to take a look in his own backyard.

Attacks against Australian Jews rise

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