Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Is it still considered a scoop if you get a story first and it's completely wrong?

A week ago, the Washington Post printed Bush to Change Economic Team on page A1, which included this piece of juicy gossip (although they would call it "news"):

One senior administration official said Treasury Secretary John W. Snow can stay as long as he wants, provided it is not very long. He might stay as long as six months into the term, officials said. Friends say Chief of Staff Andrew H. Card Jr. is one possibility to replace him. Bolten also could move over.

But Republican officials said Bush is also considering well-known officials from outside, including New York Gov. George E. Pataki (R). Conservatives are pushing for former senator Phil Gramm, a Republican from Texas.


John Snow to Stay On As Treasury Secretary

President Bush asked Treasury Secretary John Snow on Wednesday to stay in the administration, and Mr. Snow agreed, keeping a key member of Mr. Bush's economic team in place.

The two big problems here are that the WaPost has some pretty crappy sources and that the American people accept gossip and analysis as news and not opinion.

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