Saturday, December 25, 2004

Just thought I'd celebrate Christmas with what hopefully will be my last post on the whole religious/secular thing.

An Orthodox rabbi's Christmas sermon by Rabbi Mitchell Wohlberg

The most interesting part to me is this:

Dealing with issues of church and state is a central issue of our time. Most every country is now confronting it. But whereas in Islamic countries the effort from the very beginning was to impose religion and whereas in European countries, since the French Revolution, the effort was made to free people from religion … America was created to free people to practice their religion. And the freedom to practice requires not secularizing our religions, and not blurring the differences between religions, but learning to respect each other's religious beliefs.

But my favorite part is this:

So let's put the "Ch" back into Chanukah! And, yes, let Christians put Christ back into Christmas.

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