Thursday, December 09, 2004

"It's your religion, not mine."

An Orthodox Jew is suing his employer — claiming he couldn't get kosher fare at his office Christmas party.
Moshe Marc Cohen, a former supervisor at Nationwide Provident, one of the largest financial firms in the country, also claims in a discrimination suit filed in Manhattan federal court that he was fired because of his religious beliefs.

Cohen, who wears a yarmulke, filed his lawsuit on the eve of Hanukkah, the eight-day Jewish Festival of Lights.

He said that that he volunteered to provide the special dietary food at the holiday party three years ago and that his company agreed to reimburse him.

But when he asked for the dough from his boss, identified in court papers as Tom Brennaman, the regional vice president refused to repay him on the grounds that "it's your religion, not mine."

I hate company holiday parties and it has nothing to do with the religious aspect. If you're going to spend the shareholders money that way, I'd rather have an ipod, thank you very much.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The newspapers seem to have embellished on the Kosher Food at the party but the VP seems to have been biased against the jews based on the rest of the NY Post article.

I wonder what will happen..