Friday, December 31, 2004

As much as I don't enjoy it, I do read Ha'aretz to keep up-to-date with the goings on in Israel even though it's very left-wing.

I just read through a typical doom and gloom article on Iraq by Tony Karon, who apparently is the senior editor of Time Magazine's

After doing a further search on Mr. Karon's name, I came to an article he wrote about a year ago for an organization called In Reconciliation May Be the Only Road to Peace in 'Greater Israel', Karon writes that the "Zionist concept of a Jewish nation-state is outdated" and that "Zionism has outlived its purpose: a Jew's place is in the world." This comes even as he acknowledges dealing with "benign" anti-Semitism growing up as a Jew in South Africa.

It is difficult for me to understand what it is that allows for a Jew to feel such empathy for the local Arab population that he feels that he has no right to live in a land of his own anywhere in the world. Are the sins of Israeli Jews so great compared to any other people on Earth that they cannot be reconciled?

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