Saturday, December 11, 2004

Even as a Jew, I find the secular anti-Christmas/Christian push disgusting. In a review of Clay Aiken's show at Madison Square Garden in the NY Times, Kelefa Sanneh had the following to say:

Mr. Aiken had been onstage for about 40 minutes when it came time for a 25-minute intermission. When he returned, the show became a lot more energetic and more interesting. The preamble was over, and now it was time for everyone to discover the True Meaning of Christmas.

Don't worry: this second act wasn't some vague celebration of friends and family and fun. Since Thursday was the third night of Hanukkah, Mr. Aiken turned his second act into a celebration of Jews. Well, one Jew: Jesus. Whereas other seasonal gatherings evoked a secular or multifaith "holiday spirit," Mr. Aiken's concert was one party where the birthday boy got all the attention.

What did the reviewer expect from a concert tour billed as "A Joyful Noise".

How brave Kelefa Sanneh must feel at being able to criticize a Christian for singing about his faith at a private event! Maybe all "holiday" music should be banned since someone is bound to be offended either by their exclusion from the festivities or the inclusion of any faith-based music if they're an atheist.

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