Saturday, December 25, 2004

AAAARRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Please someone take this woman's children away from her! My frickin' four year old can tell the difference between Jewish and Christian beliefs and this women treats her 9-year old like an ignoramus. This is besides the fact that a Christian child could have actually been provided with a Christmas gift.

Santa Clears `Out' Basket

The last stop of the day was at 9-year-old Danielle Toler's house, decorated inside with Hanukkah cards and a ``Happy Hanukkah'' banner.

Unbeknownst to her mother, Danielle had written a letter, addressed to ``Dear Santa Claws,'' asking for a ``purple bear with a bow'' to add to her collection.

``Write me back,'' Danielle ended her letter, which included a drawing of a bear.

Danielle was ecstatic as she tore open the box containing a basket of stuffed animals, including a purple bear and a blue one she planned to name ``Blueberry.''

``Somebody was definitely reading Danielle's wish list,'' her mother, Cori, said. ``This is absolutely wonderful.''

Although the family is Jewish, Toler said her younger children believe in Santa.

``We still have visits from Santa because the children are so small and they don't understand the religious implications,'' she said.

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