Tuesday, December 07, 2004

Are Republicans bound to dominate the future of American politics becuase they are breeding faster? This is the unspoken prediction in David Brooks' new piece, The New Red-Diaper Babies.

He does not even mention that as time goes on, the minority communities that tend to support the Democrats heavily (e.g. African and Hispanic-Americans) are having smaller families themselves. See For Younger Latinas, a Shift to Smaller Families.

Maybe this is part of a grand schemme that the Republicans have put together - if the Democrats become more distraught about the future of our country based on right-wing rule, they will be less inclined to have children. That Karl Rove is a genius!

Then again, maybe all of these mini-me Republicans will rebel against their parents and we'll have a repeat of the '60s in the '10s.....

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