Wednesday, October 06, 2004

Wouldn't this be illegal or something?


More than 50 demonstrators supporting Democrat presidential candidate John Kerry stormed a Republican campaign office in West Allis at mid-day today, trespassing, creating a disturbance through the use of a bullhorn in the office and then refusing to leave when asked.

There seems to be a trend in Wisconsin:

Graber called the latest incident part of a disturbing trend of criminal conduct by anti-Bush forces in Wisconsin, pointing to an incident in Madison last week in which Bush-Cheney yard signs were stolen from the yards of three homes. The vandals then used chemicals to burn swastikas into the lawns of the homes, which were within a two-block radius of one another.

In addition, reports of stolen, defaced and damaged Bush-Cheney campaign signs are surfacing throughout Wisconsin.

There go those conservatives, oops I mean liberals, defenders of free speech.

Then again, why just make noise when it's much more fun to destroy stuff!

Protestors Storm, Ransack Bush-Cheney Headquarters In Orlando

A group of protestors stormed and then ransacked a Bush-Cheney headquarters building in Orlando, Fla., Tuesday, according to Local 6 News.

Local 6 News reported that several people from the group of 100 Orlando protestors face possible assault charges after the group forced their way inside the Republican headquarters office.

If you watch the video news report you'll see that 20 similar protests were planned and they have footage of a similar disturbance in Miami.

You can also see my posts below about some recent random shootings into Bush-Cheny campaign offices.

When Bush was talking about the expected increase in violence before the elections, I thought he was talking about Afghanistan and Iraq!

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