Monday, October 04, 2004

Just remember that these are exactly the people that John Kerry wants to administer the Global Test that we should have passed for action in Iraq.

A leaked report has exposed the extent of alleged corruption in the United Nations’ oil-for-food scheme in Iraq, identifying up to 200 individuals and companies that made profits running into hundreds of millions of pounds from it. The report largely implicates France and Russia, whom Saddam Hussein targeted as he sought support on the UN Security Council before the Iraq war. Both countries were influential voices against UN-backed action.

1 comment:

Howard said...

I disagree with so much of what you've said here that I can't possibly respond to all of it.

Some of the highlights though:

Kerry's words were based on a false assumption. We never had a policy of pre-emptive strikes as a means of threatening potential enemies. We had mutually assured destruction which was based on our being hit first. Historically, I don't remember any wars we started becuase we felt directly threatened as opposed to Vietnam, Korea, Spanish-American, etc. that were to prevent encroachment in our "shere of influence". Kerry is appropriating a Bush created doctrine as his own.

The US and the Bush administration were held accountable (and will be again in a few weeks time). The 9/11 commission report (if I'm not mistaken) said that no intelligence was skewed for political purposes. The President and his team went to both Congress and the UN with their evidence and presented it publicly. As far as I know, no one - not a congressman, not a reporter, not a scientist was threatened with arrest for disagreeing with the evidence as presented.

The President is not accountable to the UN or any other world community. He has a responsibility to act in the best interests of our country. If he doesn't we vote him out and if he does something terribly heinous we impeach him. Other countries are free to boycott our goods, not sell us things (remember the oil crises of the '70s) or do other nasty things if they don't like what we're doing. I think the fact that no nation has taken action against us just proves the immorality of countries like France who won't help, even now, but don't think it's wrong enough to do anything except wag their fingers.

While you see the US as becoming the great, unique center of amorality in the world, I and most conservatives see it as the opposite. It's only a shame that we had to b.s. about the WMDs in the first place.