Saturday, October 23, 2004

I feel very sorry for Kerry supporters since they've been deluded by the Democrat's campaign into thinking that Bush is deluded. Let's have a little reality check on Iraq - shall we?

U.N. Official: Iraq Election 'On Track'- from the Associate Press today.

Preparations for the crucial January election are "on track" and the absence of international observers due to the country's tenuous security should not detract from the vote's credibility, the top U.N. electoral expert here said.

"the top" - as in no one higher
"U.N." - the arbiter of all that is just and right in the world per Kerry
"electoral expert" - this is the man's main focus in life

This comment isn't from "a U.N. official" or "an unnamed source". This is the one person in the world who is supposed to know more about this than anyone in the world.

But go ahead - listen to Kerry - a man who's been to Iraq fewer times than Sean Penn.

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