Tuesday, October 26, 2004

CBS' 60 Minutes, whose sources for previous anti-Bush pieces include those paragons of honesty Ben Barnes and Bill Burkett, were actually planning to air the false charges of "incompetence" relating to missing Iraqi explosives, first leveled by the New York Times a couple of days ago.

Just to remind you:

An NBC News crew that accompanied U.S. soldiers who seized the Al-Qaqaa base three weeks into the war in Iraq reported that troops discovered significant stockpiles of bombs, but no sign of the missing HMX and RDX explosives.

Yet it wouldn't have been right for Sinclair to broadcast Stolen Honor which would have had a much smaller audience. I'm having a hard time with the logic here - someone please help me out.

It's as if any GI Joe who blames Bush for anything that goes wrong in Iraq is a beacon of light, but Vietnam POWs don't even have the right to make their voices heard regarding John Kerry's OWN actions. All these men deserve a place of honor and respect in our society, and should be heard. I find the double standard despicable.

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