Wednesday, October 06, 2004

Please read "Deterence" at Bill Whittle's site.

After reading it, pretend you woke up today, don't know how we got here, and explain to me why you believe the changes that John Kerry wants to make will keep us safer.

And when John Kerry refocuses our efforts and captures Osama bin Laden, then what? back to summit meetings, resolutions without teeth and sanctions that cause sufferings while those in power gain more control over scarce resources. Maybe the French, Germans and Russians will buy us dinner with some of the money they've stolen from the Iraqis.

The best parts IMO:

An alliance of European powers is a chimera that no longer holds any significant value. That is a critical point. It is an essential point of delusion embedded in Senator Kerry’s world view. He waits for rescue from a knight long dead and moldering, sitting beneath a withered oak tree in rusted armor....

As a deterrent, I honestly and regretfully don’t think our terrorist enemies are much deterred by the thought of dying. I think they are fully ready to die. People who are fully ready to die in order to kill you and your family, who are undeterred by death, are likely not to be terribly concerned by the thought of being isolated in a more sensitive approach to John Kerry’s sworn mission to hunt down, and isolate, chastise and severely reprimand terrorists.

Terrorists don’t seem to be too afraid of stern language. But I do notice, that while the fear of death does not seem to deter these people, the fact of being dead does significantly decrease their operational effectiveness. That’s a casual observation on my part – no real Harvard study to back it up. More of a hunch, really.

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