Friday, October 01, 2004

Lt. Smash calls Kerry out.


Also, before I get into it, I was thinking this morning that it was funny that all of Kerry's supporters are former military generals. Maybe there's a reason why they're working on TV and not at the Pentagon.

I also read General Tommy Franks biography a couple of weeks ago and I know Kerry's claims on diverting troops was a flat out lie. I understand Franks was interviewed shortly after the deabtes on CNN and was not happy.

Now, back to Lt. Smash.

THERE WAS A MOMENT in last night’s Presidential Debate that got me angry – and it probably wasn’t the same moment you’re thinking about right now.

KERRY: It is vital for us not to confuse the war, ever, with the warriors. That happened before. And that's one of the reasons why I believe I can get this job done, because I am determined for those soldiers and for those families, for those kids who put their lives on the line. That is noble. That's the most noble thing that anybody can do. And I want to make sure the outcome honors that nobility.
Kerry is promoting a fallacy here. You can’t completely separate the war from the warriors, because we’re the ones that plan and execute the war. Kerry would have you believe that the President has a sand table in the White House War Room, where he gathers his generals around him and commands them on how to fight the war. He’s telling us that he could do a better job directing those generals than Bush has.


It's worth it to read the whole thing.

Here's a funny line from one of the comments, although I'm sure Kerry didn't quite mean it this way...

And what's with the "..we pulled our best troops out of Afghanistan to go to Iraq..." line? I'm sure that gives an absolute warm fuzzy to the people still fighting and dying in Afghanistan. Apparently Kerry thinks they're the B team.

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