Friday, October 22, 2004

The New York Times TV critic, doesn't think the "anti-Kerry" film Stolen Honor should be shown by Sinclair....only.

"It should be shown in its entirety on all the networks, cable stations and on public television."

Too bad the Democrats only allow John Kerry's friends to speak about their Vietnam memories. Everyone else is silenced by threats of lawsuits or boycotts.

1 comment:

Howard said...

I used to think that the Left was against critics that censored things that hadn't seen or read. Thanks for disabusing me of that notion!

I'm not sure how this differs from the various 60 Minutes reports accusing Bush of missing his National Guard service, misleading us into war, not planning well for the war. All may be true, but then so is the disgust that many Vietnam Veterans have for John Kerry. It's a shame Richard Clarke and other disgruntled white house employees can spew their garbage in a celebratory manner and Joe Six Pack who has something to say is ignored.