Sunday, December 11, 2005

Israel readies forces for strike on nuclear Iran

ISRAEL’S armed forces have been ordered by Ariel Sharon, the prime minister, to be ready by the end of March for possible strikes on secret uranium enrichment sites in Iran, military sources have revealed.

The order came after Israeli intelligence warned the government that Iran was operating enrichment facilities, believed to be small and concealed in civilian locations.

Assuming that:

1) The enrichment of uranium could lead to the development of a weapon that could effectively destroy Israel or render it uninhabitable; and
2) The Iranian government has stated plainly that it will be enriching uranium; and
3) It is the stated policy of the Iranian government to destroy the State of Israel and/or remove all it's Jewish inhabitants

then Israel has every right to take all appropriate measures to destroy Iran's capacity to enrich uranium.

At first I thought that Israel should only do this if no civilians would be harmed (as was the case when the bombed the Iraqi facility in Osirak), but if Iran purposefully puts their facilities in civilians neighborhoods - too bad. (Needless to say they should do their best to avoid civilian casualties though).

Israel is denying the reports in the media.

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