Monday, December 05, 2005

The Democrats officially declare that Al-Qaeda and Saddam's henchmen have defeated the United States.

Dean: US Won't Win in Iraq
Saying the "idea that we're going to win the war in Iraq is an idea which is just plain wrong," Democratic National Chairman Howard Dean predicted today that the Democratic Party will come together on a proposal to withdraw National Guard and Reserve troops immediately, and all US forces within two years.
There are no words. Actually, yes there are.

In over two and a half years of war we have not lost even close to the number of soldiers than we lost civilians in two hours on 9/11 and this guys ready to throw in the towel. Nobody even knows how many of the enemy we've killed or wounded (i.e. are we in the least bit successful in our missions) and the media doesn't seem to care. On 9/11 we gained nothing, while since then we have removed Saddam from power, started Iraq on the road to consitutional democracy through a series of free and fair elections, encouraged Lebanon to kick out the Syrians, killed/captured who knows how many Islamofascist thugs. This is not to mention our successes in Afghanistan. Our "broken, hand-to-mouth" military has done a fantastic job. These fights weren't supposed to be "like Vietnam" - they were supposed to BE Vietnam, tens of thousands dead, hundreds of thousands wounded, massacres of the innocent.

Howard Dean should have just declared on 9/11 that we had lost. What did he have to lose anyway, a few thousand maple trees and some ski resorts?

Rocky says - f*** you.

There....that felt better. I will never let this country go back to the Jimmy Carter days of sit back and hope for the best and let the Arabs f*** us in the a** becuase we're embarrassed about our success. Actually they used to just f*** us, now they come to kill us by the thousands and all the Democrats want to say is "Thank you sir, may I have another!"

In the immortal words of Howard Dean himself - We will not give up! Yahhhhhh!

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