Sunday, December 11, 2005

In preparation for the release of Steven Spielberg's "Munich" I wanted to provide some links regarding the events on which the movie is based. After each link, I've put the word used to describe the Palestinians who took the Israeli athletes hostage.

International Olympic Committee - Games of the XX Olympiad - Munich 1972 (terorrists)

Infoplease - Munich Massacre - The worst tragedy in modern Olympic history (terrorists)

Palestine Facts - Who murdered the athletes of the Israeli 1972 Olympic Team in Munich? (terrorists)

TIME magazine archive - Murder at Munich (guerillas)

Sports Illustrtaed - When The Terror Began (commnados/ terrorists)

CBS News - Munich Massacre Remembered (terrorists)

BBC - The Munich Massacre (terrorists)

Compare these articles with those written about recent attacks on Israeli citizens which are committed by "militants", "gunmen", etc.

I'd have put more links, but I have a cold and the Sudafed is making..... me

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