Friday, December 16, 2005

After years of fighting, millions of dollars spent and vicious campaigning from the Left and the Right, the sounds of freedom can finally be heard from the streets of.....New York?!?

See more of today's events from FanGirl.

Howard Stern farewell rally draws thousands in NY

I bought my Sirius Staellite Radio a year ago waitng for this very moment. F*** the FCC!

We now return you to our Conservative Programming......


Anonymous said...

I'm not big on Howard Stern, but I'm glad he's got a venue that suits his particular talents so well.

I might want satelite radio at some point. Not sure which one it is that has the NFL package, and that's the one I'd be wanting.

Howard said...

Howard's definitely not for everyone - I think you had to be a geeky Jewish kid from the NYC suburbs named Howard to appreciate him - Oops, I've just given up half my identity!

Sirius is the one with the NFL package, although if I had my druthers I'd rather have the baseball package that XM has.

The truth is I barely listen to the satellie at all since we could only get one unit for the car and I put it in the wife's car since that's the one we use for long trips. I thought a unit I bought for home would work, but the antenna wouldn't pick up the signal becuase there's a huge pear tree in front of the window.

I could listen on the internet from work or home, but I usually forget to log on.

I'll listen more when Howard comes on - at the very least it'll wake me up in the morning.

Anonymous said...

I'm bigger on football than on baseball. Although it's usually easier to get the football game for the team I care the most about on the radio since they're a lot more local to where I live now than the baseball team I care about. (Why I carried the pathology of the BoSox to Texas, I haven't figured out yet....)