Tuesday, July 26, 2005

This is one of the first arguments I've read that shows that Israel doesn't deserve to be targeted by terrorists not becuase Israel has a right to exist so much as that they've killed a lot fewer Muslims than the U.S. or Russia.

Tread more carefully

Unless, of course, Israel is a uniquely special case. That is a hard argument to make. No official figure exists because, shamefully, they have never been counted, but more than 100,000 Iraqis are said to have been killed during and since the 2003 invasion. Russia's war on Chechnya has cost up to 200,000 civilian lives, one in five of the entire population. Since the intifada began five years ago, 3,600 Palestinians have been killed. No one is making excuses for that; every one of those lives lost is a catastrophe. But in a world full of brutalities and mass slaughter, by what logic is Israel reviled as the uniquely heinous culprit, the one state whose civilians are fair game?

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