Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Sarah Boxer of the New York Times apparently feel that:

a) Terrorists are always of the "have-not" class, i.e. poor.
b) Anyone who is not poor does not have the moral right to be happy that they are alive or criticize terrorists (who must have become poor at the expense of the rest of us.)

On the Web, Fearlessness Meets Frivolousness

But more and more, there's a brutish flaunting of wealth and leisure. Yesterday there were lots of pictures posted of smiling families at the beach and of people showing off their cars and vans. A picture from Italy shows a white sports car and comes with the caption: "Afraid? Why should we be afraid?"

A few days ago, We're Not Afraid might have been a comfort. Today, there's a hint of "What, me worry?" from Mad magazine days, but without the humor or the sarcasm. We're Not Afraid, set up to show solidarity with London, seems to be turning into a place where the haves of the world can show that they're not afraid of the have-nots.

Perhaps I'm misreading this and the use of the term "have-nots" really refers to brains or human decency.

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